Blog Intro

This picture is from 3 years ago. 
      Hello my name is Tenzin Chime. I am in 11 grades right now in Information Technology High School. In our school there are 2 CTE academy. There are Web Design Academy and Video Production Academy. I am in the Web Design Academy and I am in my 2 year of it. As a Freshman (9th grade) you learn Adobe Photoshop, InDesign and how to apply it and can turn all the work into booklet, yearbook, business cards, and etc. To be honest, I chose Web Design because my older brother told me to join and because he was in the academy too. However, after see how the class i sort of liked and sort of not. There was a lot of work and I I didn't know what to do. But my friends in the class help me too also the teacher help us too. It was fun and tiring. I was interested in this field of study because I wondered how people can do coding. In addition, how people can build up cool websites and games. I wanted to try making my own website and games in my life. My hobbies are sleeping,playing tennis table, and riding bike. My dream is to become a doctor. I wanted to help out people who has pain and is hurting. When I was really young I became really ill, my mom and dad was carrying me until they reached the hospital. Nobody wants to lose anyone that is precious to them. No matter who you are there is always at least one person worrying about you. My goals is to save as many as people as I can out there in the world. 


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