Are you an expert in DNS?

1. Why does the internet use IP address?
    - The internet uses IP address because the internet needs to identify who to send to and which device.
2. Why don't we need to know IP address?
  - We don't need to know IP address because you can see the domain name without knowing the Ip address. Also, its a combination of numbers which everyone can't remember.
3.Why do we need a domain name system?
  - We need a domain name system because it gives the name to the IP address. In addition, without the domain name systems the websites would be hard to find.
4. Why don't we all maintain our own DNS?
   -We don't all maintain our own DNS because it would have many ways to find websites or webpages which makes it a bit hard.
5. Is there one big DNS for the entire Internet?
   -I don't think that there is one big DNS for the entire Internet because if there was one big DNS it would take so long to process the information and find what the user wants.
6. How do you think all these DNS servers are maintained? 
  -I think all these DNS servers are maintained by working together and and making it organized like alphabetically order to allow the information to process quickly.
7. What is one variability of DNS and how is that vulnerability attacked?
   - DNS is vulnerable because it is public for everyone and some people can hack which they can obtain information by looking through web pages.
8.What are the implications of an attack on a DNS server (or servers)- how does this affect your life?
   - The implications of an attack on a DNS servers is that when personal informations are hacked by hackers. For example, my logins in the websites or anything that I used in the computer. It affects my life because I usually save my logins and passwords in my computer. If I don't save it then it would have to go change my password or try to find my passwords.


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