Current Events #4

      Researchers have created computer models that could predict how cancer will progress in a specific individuals based on tissue,cellular and sub-cellular protein signaling  responses. The models can predict how brain tumors will grow with much great accuracy than other previous models. The group began a clinical study to see how an individual's cancer will progress after one cycle of therapy and to use that predication to plan the course of treatment. It explains that the combination of mathematical modeling and high performance computing may be the only way to overcome the complexity of cancer. Not only one disease but hundreds, each with numerous sub-types.For example ,  at Vanderbilt University, Yankeelov's previous institution, his group was able to predict with 87 percent accuracy whether a breast cancer patient would respond positively to treatment after just one cycle of therapy.   

      I think that this is really good for the doctors and the patients who has cancer because if this computer model helps the doctors then the doctors can see how to remove the tumors of the cancer. I really do think it benefit the hospitals, doctors, the love ones of those who is suffering from cancer. 



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