
Showing posts from September, 2017

What do FileZilla,CoreFTP, and CyberDuck have in common?

       FileZilla is software that is free software that is powerful. FileZilla has cross-platform FTP client. FTP stands for file transfer protocol and is a standard network protocol use for transferring computer files between the client and server. It is used by any people including professional web-designers.The CoreFTP is a secure FT client for windows. It helps secure Ftp clients from encrypted account information and transfers data across the internet. It also protects itself from being seen across network. Cyberduck is open source client for FTP, SFTP ,WebDAV, Open stack Swift, and Amazon A3. What FileZilla, CoreFTP, and Cyberduck have in common is that with sending and receiving file it is used by FTP. 

What I know so far

              At first we learned what a Prototype means. A prototype means a   preliminary sketch of an idea or model for something new. It’s the original drawing from which something real might be built or created. We had make a pair of 2 and try to make a device that does not involving talking or writing down.  We had to make up a device or prototype to answer a binary question. A binary question means  a question to which there are only two possible answers.  An sent a binary message which is a message that can only be one of two possible values. We also learned sending messages with the internet simulator. We also learned 5 new words. Which were bit, bit rate, protocol, bandwidth, and latency. Bit is a   contraction of "Binary Digit". A bit is the single unit of information in a computer, typically represented as a 0 or 1. Bit Rate is   the number of bits that are conveyed or processed per unit of time. A pr...

What Does a CTE Diploma Means To Me?

       The difference between the regents diploma and advanced  regents diploma is that having advanced regents diploma provides a better than just having a normal regents diploma.  Regents diplomas are optional and typically offered for college-bound and high school students. Also to require the advanced regents diploma you have to have 65 or more on 9 exams. You have to take the English Language Arts, Algebra 1, Geometry, Algebra 2,  Global History,U.S. History & Geography,Living Environment, Earth Science, additional regents exam approved by state, and LOTE exam. The requirement for a regents diploma is English Language Art, any social studies regents exam, additional regents exam approved by the state,  passing one math regents and one science regents. You have to get 65 or more on these 5 exams. To get the CTE Endorsement diploma the requirements is  alternative credit and assessment  requirements  to earn a  ...

Blog Intro

This picture is from 3 years ago.        Hello my name is Tenzin Chime. I am in 11 grades right now in Information Technology High School. In our school there are 2 CTE academy. There are Web Design Academy and Video Production Academy. I am in the Web Design Academy and I am in my 2 year of it. As a Freshman (9th grade) you learn Adobe Photoshop, InDesign and how to apply it and can turn all the work into booklet, yearbook, business cards, and etc. To be honest, I chose Web Design because my older brother told me to join and because he was in the academy too. However, after see how the class i sort of liked and sort of not. There was a lot of work and I I didn't know what to do. But my friends in the class help me too also the teacher help us too. It was fun and tiring. I was interested in this field of study because I wondered how people can do coding. In addition, how people can build up cool websites and games. I wanted to try making my own website and g...