Blown to Bits chapter 2,5,7 and 8
In chapter 2 it explains the none of the information can be kept safe. The author compares to George Orwell's novel 1984, about how the people are being watched by a government force Big Brother. In the novel, the ruling party has complete control over the people like what they doing and things like that. An the author is comparing this with the modern day London. The author states the Subway bombers of 2005 to claim his point. The author is saying that we are always exposing our information to others. He says that when the cell phone is on, it constantly send signal to a cell tower. It allows the cell phone company to know where you are or located. This is one way you know information can't be kept safe. To sum it up, this chapter is mainly indicating how your information is precious to anyone in a post-digital revolution world, making it important for anyone to protect their information. In chapter 5 it talks about how to protect data from o...